Transform Your Life with Bold Purpose!
Adrienne Bankert Helps You to Define What Drives Your True Purpose and Build Personal Mission!
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Purpose as Passion – Step into It!
Lesson 3: Defining Purpose – Something Larger than Us!
Lesson 4: What Does Your Ideal World Look Like?
Lesson 5: Dreaming Your Ideal World - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: Change
Lesson 2: Priorities and How They Shift
Lesson 3: Values to Craft Your Mission Statement - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: What Is the Purpose of Your Relationships?
Lesson 2: Who Do You Attract?
Lesson 3: Relationship Architect - Intro to PDF
Lesson 4: The Relationships in My Life - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: Giving Versus Living
Lesson 2: Looking Back & Forward to Craft Your Mission Statement - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: Scheduling to Heighten Your Value - Self Care!
Lesson 2: Your Environment as a Value Driver
Lesson 3: Your Health Mirrors Your Mission - Intro to PDF
Lesson 4: Self Care Investment Inventory - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: Create Your Mission Statement Now!
Lesson 2: The Steps to Creating Your Mission Statement - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: Integrating Your Mission Statement into Your DNA
Lesson 2: Set Goals of Intention - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: Realign Your Purpose and Your Organization
Lesson 2: Forming Bonds Internally at Work
Lesson 3: Aligning Cultures Personally and Professionally - Downloadable PDF