The I-IQ of Dynamic Leadership

Lessons For Strengthening Your Inner Leadership Skills for Optimal Results

Getting Started

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Course curriculum

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    • Diane Breneman_00_00_Sizzle

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    Chapter One: Your I-IQ - Inner Intelligence Quotient As A Leader

    • Lesson One: Leading as an Agent of Change

    • Lesson Two: Expanding Our I-IQ to Make Choices as Leaders

    • Lesson Three: Our Unlimited Capacity to Expand Our Clarity, Agility and Awareness

    • Lesson Four: Strength in Grounding & Awareness

    • Lesson Five: Grounding to Create Strength and Focusing on the World Exercise

    • Lesson Six: Emotional Wheel

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    Chapter Two: Focus

    • Lesson One: How Emotions Drive Your Brain and Your Body

    • Lesson Two: Your Emotional State as A Leader

    • Lesson Three: Checking in With Your Body to Optimize Your Executive Function

    • Lesson Four: Focus As An Essential Tool to Leadership

    • Lesson Five: Inner Scan to Identify Emotional Embodiment

    • Lesson Six: Inner Scan to Identify Emotional Embodiment Exercise

    • Lesson Seven: Introduction to Emotions in the Body

    • Lesson Eight: Emotions in the Body

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    Chapter Three: Empathy in Leadership

    • Lesson One: Empathy Versus Sympathy

    • Lesson Two: Empathy: A Powerful Tool for Successful Outcomes

    • Lesson Three: Empathy: A Powerful tool for Connections

    • Lesson Four: The Practice of Strengthening Empathy

    • Lesson Five: Softening the Body, Emotions and Mind Exercise

    • Lesson Six: Voice of the Emotions

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    Chapter Four: Agility Versus Stress Agility

    • Lesson One: The Cost of Stress

    • Lesson Two: What’s Stress?: Rigid Body = Rigid Mind

    • Lesson Three: Rigid Body: Rigid Mind

    • Lesson Four: Introduction to Exercise

    • Lesson Five: Welcoming Emotions to Allow Clarity and Flow.

    • Lesson Six: Introduction to Emotional Experience

    • Lesson Seven: Emotional Experience

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    Chapter Five: Clarity & Strengthening Resilience

    • Lesson One: Overcoming Confusion & Doubt

    • Lesson Two: Resilience as a Tool for Leadership

    • Lesson Three: Strengthening Your Capacity of Resilience

    • Lesson Four: Your Nervous System and Tools to Increase Your Resilience

    • Lesson Five: Breathe to Activate and Strengthen the Vagus Introduction

    • Lesson Six: Breathe to Activate and Strengthen the Vagus Nerve

    • Lesson Seven: Vagus Nerve Diagram

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    Chapter Six: Inspiration

    • Lesson One: The Power of Inspiration

    • Lesson Two: Emotions that Affect Our Inspiration

    • Lesson Three: How Do We Inspire?

    • Lesson Four: Releasing Rigidity

    • Lesson Five: Breathe to Create Flow in Areas of Rigidity Inspiration Flow in Areas of Rigidity Exercise

    • Lesson Six: Emotion Flowing Introduction

    • Lesson Seven: Emotion Flowing

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    Chapter Seven: Power

    • Lesson One: What is Power as a Leader?

    • Lesson Two: The Power of Courage

    • Lesson Three: The Power of Alignment

    • Lesson Four: Center and Align Yourself Exercise

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    Chapter Eight: The Power of Choice

    • Lesson One: Choosing Your Emotional State

    • Lesson Two: The Building Blocks of Emotional Choice

    • Lesson Three: Emotional Choice as a Leader

    • Lesson Four: A Powerful and Simple “Choosing” Practices

    • Lesson Five: Creating the Form of Peace Exercise

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    Chapter Nine: Creating With The Mind

    • Lesson One: The I-IQ of Peace as a Gateway to Creativity

    • Lesson Two: Optimizing The Fuel of Our Creation

    • Lesson Three: Let’s Create!

    • Lesson Four: Visualizing for Your Optimal I-IQ With Intention

    • Lesson Five: Introduction to Audio Exercise

    • Lesson Six: Experience with Clarity Your New Creation Exercise

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    Chapter Ten: Practicing the ABC’s of I-IQ of the I-IQInner-Intelligence

    • Lesson One: Accept, Breathe, Choose!

    • Lesson Two: Accept!

    • Lesson Three: Breathe!

    • Lesson Four: Choose!

    • Lesson Five: Introduction to Audio Exercise

    • Lesson Six: ABC as the Gateway to Your I-IQ

    • Lesson Seven: Summary of ABC Practice

    • Final Assessment

    • Course Survey

Course Description

Diane Breneman, Founder and CEO at Meditative Science, spent over 25 years as an attorney, creating a national practice representing catastrophically burned people.

 She recognises that in our modern culture, peace, freedom and joy often become illusive as stress and anxiety take on prominent roles in our daily lives. Despite knowing that more is possible, we do not know how to reach it or how to live more mindful lives. 

 In this course, Diane shares with you her teachings around meditative, formative and contemplative practices that will support you and enable you to change your trajectory, empower your creative abilities and allow you to become an empathetic and authentic leader. She provides you with practices that address the mental, emotional and physical patterns that can limit your life experiences.

 In this course you will learn:

  • How emotions drive your brain and your body 
  • How to optimize yourself as a leader 
  • How to evolve your inner Intelligence quotient
  • How to use empathy to connect and influence
  • How stress diminishes your ability to tap into inspiration