“Be the leader you would want to follow.” | taught by Kim Kelleher
Lesson 1: Pinnacle Career Moments
Lesson 2: Tips for Success in Media Marketing
Lesson 3: The Strategy - The Consumer Is Boss
Lesson 4: Staying Relevant
Lesson 5: Navigating the Changes in Media as a Team
Lesson 1: Creating a Safe Work Environment
Lesson 2: Lean in and Fix It
Lesson 1: Three Rich Tips for Any Career
Lesson 2: Take Credit for Your Work Well Done
Lesson 3: Standing Out and Being Noticed
Lesson 4: Ask for Acknowledgement and Promotions
Lesson 1: What Keeps me up at night
Lesson 2: The Secret Sauce to Good Storytelling
Lesson 1: What I look for in Talent
Lesson 2: The Value of Education and Following Your Passion
Lesson 3: Advice on Thinking and Learning with Bigger View
Lesson 4: Cross Training for Success
Lesson 5: The Value of Networking
Lesson 6: Female Centric Organizations are Vital to Success
Lesson 1: Partnerships at Home
Lesson 2: Learning from Your Kids
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