Course curriculum

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    • Lesson 1: Introduction to Modern Mentorship

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    Chapter 1: The Evolution of Mentorship

    • Lesson 1: Why Traditional Mentorship Used to Work

    • Lesson 2: Sage and Superstar: Unraveling the Mentor Persona

    • Lesson 3: Are Sponsors the Solution?

    • Lesson 4: Mentors vs. Sponsors: A Comparative Insight

    • Lesson 5: Rethinking the Big Ask in Mentorship

    • Lesson 6: The Mismatch: Yesterday's Mentorship For Today's Careers

    • Lesson 7: Career Path Mapping Exercise

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    Chapter 2: The Thin-Slice Mentorship Approach

    • Lesson 1: Uni-tasking: An Executive Case Study

    • Lesson 2: Uni-tasking: The Data Story

    • Lesson 3: Squad Goals: Beyond One Mentor

    • Lesson 4: The Foundational Thin-Slice Mentors to Seek

    • Lesson 5: The Art of the Ask: Unlocking the Power of Thin-Slice Requests

    • Lesson 6: Real-World Examples of Effective Thin-Slice Requests

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    Chapter 3: Unleashing Your Potential By Knowing Your Value

    • Lesson 1: The MVP Blueprint: Redefining 'Ready to Launch'

    • Lesson 2: Embracing Imperfection in Your Professional Journey

    • Lesson 3: Your Offer Matters As Much as Your Ask

    • Lesson 4: Help Your Mentor Help You

    • Lesson 5: Reframing Imposter Syndrome for Success

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    Chapter 4: Mastering Your Value Proposition: Fueling Mentorship Success

    • Lesson 1: The Mutual Value Exchange in Mentorships

    • Lesson 2: Crafting Your Value Proposition: A Practical Exercise

    • Lesson 3: Interactive Workbook - Crafting your Value Statement

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    Chapter 5: Navigating Mentorship with Finesse

    • Lesson 1: Sustaining Long-Term Success in Mentor Relationships

    • Lesson 2: Resilience in Rejection: Learning from Declined Mentors

    • Lesson 3: The Essential Asks in Mentorship

    • Lesson 4: Boundaries and Brilliance: Creating Effective Dynamics

    • Lesson 5: Asking in Return: The Potential of Mutual Growth

    • Lesson 6: Navigating Challenges in Mentee Relationships

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    Chapter 6: Organizational Mentorship: Cultivating Success from Within

    • Lesson 1: Mission Possible: Aligning Organizational Goals with Mentorship

    • Lesson 2: Mastering Feedback for Continuous Improvement

    • Lesson 3: Reflective Review: Crafting Your Mentorship Plan

    • Lesson 4: Quick Guide to Building A Mentorship Program

    • Final Assessment

    • Course Survey