Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Basics That Transform Any Yoga Practice

    • Introduction

    • Lesson 1: Warm up - Seated Resolve to Always Be a Beginner!

    • Lesson 2: Seated Cat Cow (Demonstration)

    • Lesson 3: Spinal Mobility - 6 Ranges of Motion – Do Daily

    • Lesson 4: Core Strengthening – from the Ground Up

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Table Top Practices

    • Lesson 1: Hand, Arm and Shoulder Stability

    • Lesson 2: Strengthening and Balancing – Table Top

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Moving from the Ground Up

    • Lesson 1: Anjaneyasana - Adductor Strength and Opening Hip Flexors

    • Lesson 2: Standing Pose – Top of the Mat – Spinal Lengthening and Decompression

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Fundamental Strengthening & Lengthening Asanas

    • Lesson 1: Plank Pose

    • Lesson 2: Cobra Pose

    • Lesson 3: Yoga Pushup & Chaturanga

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Up Dog and Down Dog

    • Lesson 1: Chaturanga to Up Dog

    • Lesson 2: Downward Facing Dog

    • Lesson 3: Modifications for Downward Facing Dog

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Back Strengthening

    • Lesson 1: Back Strengthening and Shoulder Stability with Salabhasana

    • Lesson 2: Forward Fold - Dandasana

    • Lesson 3: Bridge Pose

    • Lesson 4: Blood Flow and Legs Raise Pose: Uttanpadasana

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Standing Poses – Life Long Benefits

    • Lesson 1: Mountain Pose

    • Lesson 2: Side Bends

    • Lesson 3: Back Bends and Forward Folds

    • Lesson 4: Standing Twists

    • Lesson 5: Chair Pose

  • 8

    Chapter 8: Final Poses

    • Lesson 1: Badacanasana and Savasana
