Course curriculum

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    • Lesson 1: The Four Accelerators to a Sustainable Workplace Culture

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    Chapter 1: Setting the Table: Defining Culture

    • Lesson 1: Defining Workplace Culture

    • Lesson 2: Your Culture is Your Status Quo

    • Lesson 3: You Can’t Just Change the People to Change the Culture

    • Lesson 4: Defining Workplace Culture Interactive Workbook

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    Chapter 2: Intention vs. Impact in Workplace Culture

    • Lesson 1: Defining Intention vs. Impact in Policy-Making

    • Lesson 2: Case Study 1 - Accommodating Remote Workers in a Hybrid Culture

    • Lesson 3: Case Study 2 - When Great DEI Intentions Meet the 14-Month Mark

    • Lesson 4: Case Study 3 - Innovation Practices Gone Awry

    • Lesson 5: DIEB Culture: The Canary in the Coalmine

    • Lesson 6: Measuring Success and Accountability in a Workplace Culture Context

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    Chapter 3: Culture in Action

    • Lesson 1: Hiring Practices

    • Lesson 2: Employee Development and Advancement

    • Lesson 3: Innovation Practices

    • Lesson 4: Creating a Employee Handbook

    • Lesson 5: Organizational Language Traditions

    • Lesson 6: Assessing Hiring Practices Exercise

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    Chapter 4: The First Accelerator: Access

    • Lesson 1: Understanding Your Part in the Big Picture

    • Lesson 2: De-silo Interaction and Collaboration Across Teams and Functions

    • Lesson 3: Command Chain Visibility

    • Lesson 4: Resources: From Info to Budget

    • Lesson 5: The Opposite of Access is Isolation

    • Lesson 6: The Message a Lack of Access Sends to Employees

    • Lesson 7: Three Easy Ways to Improve Access

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    Chapter 5: The Second Accelerator: Acknowledgement

    • Lesson 1: Praise and Recognition

    • Lesson 2: Discover Your Team's Love Language

    • Lesson 3: Being Recognized in Ways That Are Individually Meaningful

    • Lesson 4: Maximizing Autonomy and Minimizing Micromanaging

    • Lesson 5: Acknowledgment: A Year-Round Practice

    • Lesson 6: The Opposite of Acknowledgement is Invisibility

    • Lesson 7: Three Easy Ways to Improve Acknowledgement

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    Chapter 6: The Third Accelerator: Advancement

    • Lesson 1: Knowing the Potential Paths Ahead of You

    • Lesson 2: Evolution of Self

    • Lesson 3: The Opposite of Advancement is Stagnation

    • Lesson 4: The Message a Lack of Advancement Sends Employees

    • Lesson 5: Three Easy Ways to Improve Advancement

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    Chapter 7: The Fourth Accelerator: Tackling Toxic Leadership

    • Lesson 1: People Leave Bosses More Than Organizations

    • Lesson 2: Anti-Awful-Bosses Policies

    • Lesson 3: The Opposite of Instituting Anti-Awful-Bosses Policies is Rewarding Awful Geniuses

    • Lesson 4: The Message Rewarding Awful Geniuses Sends to Your Team

    • Lesson 5: Three Easy Ways to Institute Anti-Awful-Bosses Policies

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    Chapter 8: Aligning Your Workplace Issues with the Sustainable Culture Accelerators

    • Lesson 1: Which Came First - The Culture or The Process Change?

    • Lesson 2: Overcoming Resistance to Change

    • Lesson 3: The Final Four Takeaways

    • Lesson 4: Aligning Your Workplace Issues with the Sustainable Culture Accelerators Interactive Workbook

    • Final Assessment

    • Course Survey