Course curriculum

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    • Lesson 1: The Power Lies Within You

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    Chapter 1: Setting Up For Success

    • Lesson 1: Breaking The Cycle

    • Lesson 2: Reinvent Yourself

    • Lesson 3: Heart - Mind - Money

    • Lesson 4: Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

    • Lesson 5: Manifestation Leads to Success

    • Lesson 6: Manifestation Exercise Introduction

    • Lesson 7: Interactive Workbook: Manifestation Exercise

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    Chapter 2: Identifying Yourself

    • Lesson 1: Ego Vs. Heart

    • Lesson 2: Heart-Centered Actions at Work

    • Lesson 3: The Imposter Syndrome Pandemic

    • Lesson 4: A Day in the Life of Your Future Self

    • Lesson 5: Your Circle Of Influence

    • Lesson 6: Interactive Workbook: A Day in The Life of Your Future Self

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    Chapter 3: Clarity Of Vision

    • Lesson 1: The Best Version of Yourself

    • Lesson 2: Show Up with Intention

    • Lesson 3: The Value Of Goals

    • Lesson 4: Interactive Workbook: Write Down Your Goals

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    Chapter 4: Navigating Fear And Victory

    • Lesson 1: Get Comfortable with the Discomfort of Facing Your Fears

    • Lesson 2: Validate Your Fears

    • Lesson 3: Share Your Fears

    • Lesson 4: Celebrate Victory

    • Lesson 5: Interactive Workbook: Conquering Your Fears

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    Chapter 5: Self-Mastery

    • Lesson 1: The Power Lies Within You

    • Lesson 2: Create a Vision Story of Success for You and Your Team

    • Lesson 3: Prepare a List of Attainable Affirmations

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    Chapter 6: Clarity and Confidence

    • Lesson 1: Review Your Clarity of Purpose

    • Lesson 2: Identify Specific Skills - Habits Needed

    • Lesson 3: Establish the Routine Needed

    • Lesson 4: Be Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

    • Lesson 5: Designate your Accountability Circle

    • Lesson 6: Interactive Workbook: Mastering Your Purpose

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    Chapter 7: Mastery Blueprint

    • Lesson 1: Have Privacy of Personal Moments

    • Lesson 2: Let your Energy and Mindset be Pure

    • Lesson 3: Preparation is Mastery

    • Lesson 4: Establish Clear Boundaries

    • Lesson 5: Choose a Power Circle

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    Chapter 8: Genius Living Essentials

    • Lesson 1: Develop Genius Level Sleeping Habits

    • Lesson 2: Eat like a Nutritionist

    • Lesson 3: Break A Sweat

    • Lesson 4: Develop a Genius Hour Morning Routine

    • Lesson 5: The Super Powers Developed by Nature, Water, and Intentional Breathing

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    Chapter 9: Mentorship Mastery

    • Lesson 1: Share Your Knowledge

    • Lesson 2: Be a Constant Student of Life

    • Lesson 3: Champion Colleagues

    • Lesson 4: Give Expecting Nothing in Return

    • Final Assessment

    • Course Survey