Learn the tools to become a more productive business person and a Rock Star Meeting Leader! | taught by Mamie Kanfer Stewart
Lesson 1: My “Ah-ha” Moment
Lesson 2: Breaking It Down for Effective Meetings
Lesson 3: Download - Do You Really Need to Have a Meeting? (PDF)
Lesson 4: You don’t have to be a hero!
Lesson 1: Prepare like a Pro
Lesson 2: Download - Meeteor Meeting Agenda and Note-taking Template (PDF)
Lesson 3: Write a Desired Outcome!
Lesson 4: Download - Guide to Writing a Desired Outcome (PDF)
Lesson 4a: Write Your Desired Outcome Interactive Workbook
Lesson 5: Plan a Structured Agenda
Lesson 5a: Write Your Agenda Interactive Workbook
Lesson 6: Know Your Technology
Lesson 1: Set Yourself Up for Success
Lesson 2: Get Everyone “In The Room”
Lesson 3: Start With The End In Mind
Lesson 1: Ground Rules and Expectations
Lesson 2: Download - Common Meeting Norms (PDF)
Lesson 3: Designating Roles
Lesson 4: Take Notes… as a Team!
Lesson 5: Note Taking Framework
Lesson 1: Meeting Leader Check List
Lesson 2: Download - Check-In and Check-Out (PDF)
Lesson 3: Just Get Started
Lesson 4: Demonstrating Real Leadership
Lesson 5: Resources
Lesson 6: Final Assessment
Course Survey