Think Like a Writer to Succeed at Work

Strategies & Tools to Move Your Career Forward

Course Description

In this course, you will deep dive into the art of storytelling using your own story as the narrative! Master storyteller and author of Authorize it!, Deborah Burns shares her unique approach to telling your own personal and business stories for highly effective results.   Deborah emphasizes the importance of managing expectations and shares techniques for how to be a catalyst in your own story. She also teaches how to build a narrative arc as a core component to any good storytelling. Through these lessons, you will gain valuable insights on how to build a personal story that stands out from the crowd to produce powerful results.

In this course, you will learn:-

  1. How to define your personal brand
  2. How to create and tell your own unique story.
  3. How to use storytelling to your advantage.
  4. How to stand out from the crowd.
  5. How to handle conflict and difficult people.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Think Like A Writer for Exceptional Work Performance

    • Deborah Burns Sizzle v3

    • Lesson 1: Introduction - Storytelling to Lead & Live Better

    • Lesson 2: Story Structure

    • Lesson 3: Starring Role… Mindset Traits to Embrace

    • Lesson 4: The “H”

    • Lesson 5: The Essential Authorize It Lessons

    • Lesson 6: Apply The H Traits To Your Story- Downloadable PDF

  • 2

    Chapter 2: How to Think Like A Writer: Lessons & Takeaways

    • Lesson 1: Embrace the Narrative Arc

    • Lesson 2: The Four Cycles

    • Lesson 3: The Quest – The Driver of Every Story

    • Lesson 4: Be a Catalyst for Action in Your Story!

    • Lesson 5: Controlling the Reaction – Test or Modify!

    • Lesson 6: Managing Expectations

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Understanding The Characters at Work

    • Lesson 1: Understanding Group Dynamics

    • Lesson 2: The Character Arc - Perceptions Versus Misperceptions

    • Lesson 3: Know Thyself – Define Your Personal Growth!

    • Lesson 5: Guidelines for Getting to the Next Level

    • Lesson 6: Applying an Editorial Philosophy - Downloadable PDF

    • Lesson 7: Differentiation – How to Stand Out at Work?

    • Lesson 8: The Give, Listen & Trust Exercise- Downloadable PDF

    • Lesson 9: Protagonist – Fictionalize Yourself to Reveal the True You!

    • Lesson 10: PDF - The H Questions

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Obstacles Make It All Worth It!

    • Lesson 1: Welcoming Conflict to Win at Work

    • Lesson 2: External Conflicts – Dealing with Difficult People

    • Lesson 3: Dealing with Internal Conflict: YOU!

    • Lesson 4: How to Handle Conflict 

    • Lesson 5: Don’t Take it Personally!

    • Lesson 6: Progression – Objective Views of Your Workplace

    • Lesson 7: Progression Questions - Downloadable PDF

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Seeking the Unconventional! 

    • Lesson 1: Think Differently and Search for the Unconventional 

    • Lesson 2: See Things a Different Way – (Flip the Switch)

    • Lesson 3: Flip the Switch - Downloadable PDF

    • Lesson 4: Take A Leap: A Formula For Innovative Success!  

    • Lesson 5: The 50-30-20 Method - Downloadable PDF

    • Lesson 6: Thinking For Extraordinary Results

    • Lesson 7: Using and Editing Your Best Practices to Ensure Success!

    • Lesson 8: Double-Down on Your Strengths

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Venture Into Unchartered Territory 

    • Lesson 1: Let Go and Discover the “New”

    • Lesson 2: Surrendering to An Idea & Taking Risk

    • Lesson 3: Trust - Show Up With Ideas and Success Will Follow!

    • Lesson 4: Green Light: Surrender To the Unknown - It’s ALL in the Doing!

    • Lesson 5: Red Light: Techniques to Deal with Fear of Failure

    • Lesson 6: Yellow Light: How to Fire Up the “Messy Middle” for Different Outcomes

    • Lesson 7: Coaching: Getting Feedback 

  • 7

    Chapter 7: It’s Time to “Tell” Your Personal Story!

    • Lesson 1: Define and Craft YOUR Back Story!

    • Lesson 2: What’s My Story? 

    • Lesson 3: Defining Line

    • Lesson 4: Companion - Downloadable PDF

  • 8

    Chapter 8: It’s Time to tell Your Business Story!

    • Lesson 1: READ – Your Tool to Tell Your Compelling Story

    • Lesson 2: READ is the four part Authorize It! Tool - Downloadable PDF

    • Lesson 3: Your Work Studies: Read In Action

    • Lesson 4: Scenario Plotting: Win People Over

    • Lesson 5: Practice Makes Perfect!

    • Lesson 6: Thank You and Let’s Connect!

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