How to Design Your Best Day Work and In Life!!
Lead by Adrienne Bankert
Lesson 1: Small Town - Big Dreams!
Lesson 2: Your Motivation is Your Navigation!
Lesson 3: Best Day Ever: A Mantra!
Lesson 4: Convincing vs. Positioning
Lesson 5: Recharge Your Battery and Preserve Your Authenticity
Lesson 6: Your Best Day Ever - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: Trigger it Forward!
Lesson 2: How to Flip Your Switch
Lesson 3: Be 100% You!
Lesson 4: Defining Your Triggers and Letting Them Go - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: You Are More than Just Your Job Title
Lesson 2: How to Reach Your Highest Level!
Lesson 3: Cream Always Rises to the Top!
Lesson 4: How Do You Know When You Are Not Ambitious Enough?
Lesson 5: Achieving Your Goals at Any Position - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: An Unpredictable Journey
Lesson 2: The Price You Pay!
Someone Is Always Watching!
Lesson 4: Whatever It takes!
Lesson 5: Taking Risks - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: Living In Your Sweet Spot Anywhere, Anytime
Lesson 2: Your Sweet Spot Continued...
Lesson 3: Find Someone YOU Can’t Say NO To
Lesson 4: Determining Your Sweet Spot - PDF Questions
Lesson 1: The Power of Decision!
Lesson 2: The Sky Is Blue, the Grass Is Green!
Lesson 3: Trusting Your Gut
Lesson 4: Decisions You Can Make to Find & Ensure Your Clarity - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: Finding Your Cheerleaders
Lesson 2: The Power of Being Number Two, Is the Power of Believing in Another Person
Lesson 3: Creating Frameworks vs. Goals
Lesson 4: The Power of 5 Minutes!
Lesson 5: The 5 for Sure Exercise - Downloadable PDF
Lesson 1: The Brussels Sprout Story
Lesson 2: A Story of Razors & Compassion
Lesson 3: Creating Community Impact
Lesson 4: Your 5 minute Pause
Lesson 5: Torque = Turning Power… Overcoming Regret
Lesson 1: Connecting with Anyone
Lesson 2: Be the Solution!