Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: A Passion for Game Changing Reporting

    • Lesson 1: Why Do We Do This Work?

    • Lesson 2: Launching Your Career in Journalism

    • Lesson 3: Exercise - Download & Print PDF

  • 2

    Chapter 2: The Goal of the Story

    • Lesson 1: What is the Goal?

    • Lesson 2: Finding the Story Idea

    • Lesson 3: Exercise - Download & Print PDF

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Storytelling That Creates Change

    • Lesson 1: A Journalist’s Responsibility

    • Lesson 2: The Magic of Journalism

    • Lesson 3: Exercise - Download & Print PDF

  • 4

    Chapter 4: The Process of Investigative Journalism

    • Lesson 1: Leaning into the Fear to Report the Truth (Case Study: Harvey Weinstein)

    • Lesson 2: The Art of Interviewing (Case Study: Harvey Weinstein)

    • Lesson 3: The Audience Reaction to Good Journalism Ignites the Change

    • Lesson 4: Taking on Amazon

    • Lesson 5: Results of Great Investigative Journalism

    • Lesson 6: Exercise - Download & Print PDF

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Writing about the Obamas

    • Lesson 1: Taking on the Role of a Journalist

    • Lesson 2: The Best Advice I Received

    • Lesson 3: Going Deeper Means Change

    • Lesson 4: Looking Ahead

    • Lesson 5: Exercise - Download & Print PDF

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Bravery and Teamwork

    • Lesson 1: The Power of Partnerships

    • Lesson 2: Investment and Commitment

    • Lesson 3: Exercise - Download & Print PDF

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Work-Life Balance

    • Lesson 1: Balancing Work, Motherhood and Marriage

    • Lesson 2: Childhood Experiences Can Lead to Passionate Journalism

    • Lesson 3: Exercise - Download & Print PDF

  • 8

    Chapter 8: Journalism Today and Best Practices

    • Lesson 1: The Progress of Women in Journalism

    • Lesson 2: Wisdom and Advice for Fellow Journalists

    • Lesson 3: Behind the Scenes of the Story

    • Lesson 4: Landing a Job as a Reporter

    • Lesson 5: Revise, Revise, Revise!

    • Lesson 6: Exercise - Download & Print PDF

  • 9

    Chapter 9: The Future of Journalism - What’s Next?

    • Lesson 1: Advice for Younger Women

    • Lesson 2: Creating Lasting Meaning and Cultural Shift

    • Lesson 3: Exercise - Download & Print PDF
